The COGEN World Coalition presented the main findings of its 3rd Global Cogeneration Market Report during a special LIVE webinar on Tuesday, 17 December 2024, starting at 14:00 CET (8:00 am in Washington D.C. / 2:00 pm in Brussels / 10:00 pm in Tokyo). The report describes the state of the cogeneration market around the world using the latest data published by the International Energy Agency (IEA) and other official sources.

Launch of the 3rd Global Cogeneration Market Report

Programme (All times are CET / UTC+1)

Hosted by Hans Korteweg (Executive Director, COGEN World Coalition)

14:00   Welcome and Introduction by Thomas Smith – President of the COGEN World Coalition

14:05   Presentation of CWC’s 3rd Global Cogeneration Market Report by Simon Minett (Managing Director, Challoch Energy) (see the slides)

15:35   Questions & Answers

15:55   Closing remarks by Hans Korteweg (Executive Director, COGEN World Coalition)

16:00   End of webinar

You can watch the webinar recording on the CWC YouTube channel.