Using gas from landfill sites to generate heat and power
In China, a company active in water treatment, glass recycling and new energy sources (biomass, landfill, photovoltaic) operates a total of 33 landfill waste storage sites. These waste storage sites produce a significant amount of landfill gas which is used by local cogeneration plants to generate electricity and heat for the surrounding infrastructure.
The CHP installations at the 33 sites are driven by a total of 100 INNIO Jenbacher 320 engines. Many of these gas engines make use of an advanced engine oil – ADDINOL gas engine oil MG 40-Extra Plus. This oil has a sufficiently high alkaline reserve and therefore reliably protects the engine components against corrosion and abrasive wear. Despite the difficult operating conditions, oil operating times of up to 1900 operating hours could be achieved in compliance with the OEM limit values.
Technical details
CHP engines installed
• INNIO Jenbacher JMS 320 engines (100 in total)
Type of gas: landfill gas
Applied oil: ADDINOL MG 40-Extra Plus